Our niche in supporting change!

The Issue

At Corner Evolution, we believe in bringing about community transformation and positively impacting the lives of young people. Our approach involves offering a D.O.P.E perspective - Dreams, Opportunities, Perspective, and Empowerment. This allows us to move away from needs-based programming and instead focus on empowering individuals through our programming.

Our organization is well-known for its respected community engagement, allowing us to engage with all members of the Chattanooga community. Our experience and commitment to local grassroots organizing give us the necessary skills to engage with the streets and power structures.

Our focus is on teaching young people the skills they need to effect behavioral change, develop cultural awareness, and promote personal growth as they transition into the next phase of their lives. We aim to provide opportunities for young people to be empowered, make positive changes, and impact their communities and futures.

Mark Thomas
Executive Director, Mentor